Sunday, January 20, 2013

Seriously? Am I really this bad?

*sigh* Wow, I am shit at updating my blog.
Went shopping yesterday with my honey and Emelie, we had a great time!
After shopping, I went to my friend Joar's apartment and spent the night there.
We watched about 20 minutes of the first Death Note movie, it was crap.
Today, I woke up at around 11am, with my face on a cats ass. It was glorious.
Went home a few hours later, kicked a drain pipe as ice fell from the roof and fractured my arm. My life is full of failure today, for some reason xD
Anyway, tomorrow will be fun! I'm looking forward to meeting my baby and see what she has in store for me ;)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

This week

So, for this week, wednesday to sunday, this is what I'll be doing;
Tomorrow I'll go to school and have a normal day, except for us going to look at some ducks for an hour.
After school I'll go home, wait for my baby to finish, go get her, come back home and have some snuggly fun!
On thursday I finish early, at 11.20, and I'm not sure what I'll be doing after that.
On friday I'll have regular school again, go home to my baby and hang out with her and her brother, then I'll go home and wait for the next day.
On saturday me, honey and Emelie will go shopping, and it's going to be awesome! We'll shop for clothes and stuff, and in the end I'll have to wait for them whilst they shop for underwear ;/////; <3
Don't know what'll happen on sunday, cause I haven't really "planned" that yet.
Oh well, that's what I'll be doing the time that is left during this week.

Monday, January 14, 2013


Yeah, I know I'm shit at updating my blog, but I forget ;_;
I also know that I promised to post that stupid Death Note review and so on, but I'm just too lazy to actually do it... I will get around to it though, I promise!

I love you, honey! I'm sorry I couldn't rape you... <3

Saturday, January 12, 2013

New theme.

Decided that the theme I used to have looked like shit, so I switched it up.
Was supposed to post the Death Note review a few days back, but I'm so lazy that I haven't started writing it yet. Hopefully I'll get around to it soon!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Angelicas survey!

Random Questions
Created by missjupiter and taken 3 times on Bzoink
Hair color:Brown-ish
Middle name:Ted
Relationship status:Taken ;)
Eye color?:Brown
If you have a girlfriend/boyfriend whats her/his name?:Angelica
Do you love em?:More than anything! <3 data-blogger-escaped-td="td">
What would you change on em?:Nothing, she's perfect!
What is the best about em?:Everything, from the way she smiles to the way she smells!
What don\'t you like about em?:I live everything about her!
How long have you been together?:For 4 months in 9 days!
Do you have fights?:Never!
How often do you fight?:Never!
Have you ever made em cry?:Not intentionally ;_;
When did you have your first kiss?:We had our first kiss the same day we got together, actually even some hours before we did. It was awesome ^w^ <3 data-blogger-escaped-td="td">
Do you regret something?:Nope.
Are you with em now?:No, but I wish I was ;_;
Have em every made you cry?:Happy tears :3
What is your biggest fear to happen between you? (exept breaking up):That we start slipping apart...
Fears and Wishes
What's your biggest wish right now?:That I could go through my years in school, be 19 and move together with my honey!
A selfish wish? (something that would make you happy):Living with my baby :3
Unselfish (Somethint that would make another happy):Charity, I guess.
What's your biggest fear to happen to someone in your family?:Death or illness.
To a close friend or someone you love?:Death or illness.
Have you ever had sex?:Yes c;
How often?:Oh, I don't know, it depends... Somewhere around 8 times a week.
How many have you been with?:1 girl, that's enough for me because she's awesome and perfect.
Prefer to kiss or not during sex?:I love to kiss my baby, always :3
When was the last time?:A few hours ago ;)
Who was your first?:My love :3
Do you regret anything with it?:Not at all!
How long can you last? (Be honest):Around 20 minutes, I think xD
What's the best about sex?:How close you can feel to the one you're with ^w^
Do you have to love the person to sleep with em?:I don't think you have to, but I think that love makes it better!
Best friend
Do you have a BEST friend?:Yeah, I guess so
What's her/his name?:Sebastian
How old?:16
For how long have you been best friends?:Friends since the 3rd grade, "best" since 6th
How long have you known eachother?:Since the 3rd grade
Do you agru with em?:Some minor friendly arguments about stuff we like and feel differently about
What would you do if your best friend got hurt?:I have his back, always. And I'd hurt the people who hurt him back, ese. vagos.jpg
Would you ever call em if you were sad or in trouble?:Yeah, and I know he'd come to help me fight back
do you love em?:;_;
Have you ever seen em cry?:Nope.
Have em ever seen you cry?:Probably, I was a little pussy when I was younger QQ
Have you ever been depressed?:Yeah.
For how long?:Not that long, 1-2 years maybe.
Still depressed?:Nope, I'm really happy! :3
What were you/are you depressed over?:Love 'n people 'n shit.
Why?:Because shit happens.
Have family problems?:Not really.
Home many times a broken heart?:Many times, don't feel like counting 'em right now...
What would you do?
Your best friend just called you told you she/he just got arrested:Go to the place they were being held and see if I could bail him out.
Your girlfriend/boyfriend just broke up with you:Die of sadness.
Someone you love very much commited suicide:Cry for a very long period of time, sleep all day and never leave my house.
Your love told you to marry em:Tell her that I love her very much, but that we're too young to get married now.
(female) You found out you were pregnant:-
(Male) your girlfriend is pregant:Be kind of sad because I know that we would be able to keep it because we're so young...
Someone kissed you (who is not your lover/bf/gf):Push the person away and scream out rape! No, but I'd push them away and tell them that I have a girlfriend that I love very much!
If you cheated?:Kill myself. Because I would be nothing but filth.
If you got cheated on?:Get really depressed and question if I was good enough, and why she cheated.
Your best friend randomly hugged you and told you how much you mean to em:I'd hug him back, he's my fucking BFAM.
You became famous:Be famous and have lots of #swag
Your Idol was interest to get to know you:Get to know that idol!
Your house burned down:Cry over that my computer is lost ;_;
Your ex showed up to your door with a rose and a smile:Tell her to GTFO of my face and give that rose to someone else, she has a boyfriend who happens to be a good friend of mine.
What is your religion?:I'm an atheist.
Are you serious about your religion?:Yes, I'm very serious about believing in nothing.
Do you look down at others for not thinking the same?:I'd like to think that I'm fairly open minded and respect other peoples opinion, but come on. Religion is just fucking stupid.
Are you against homosexuallity?:No, I'm not. I think that everyone deserves to be who they want to be.
Do you believe in love in first sight?:I'm not sure, yeah, maybe.
Do you believe in Karma?:It's pretty logical to believe in karma if you "believe" in sciene, because every reaction has an equal and opposite reaction.
Do you believe in fate?:I believe that every person has some sort of destiny in their life, something that they were meant to do. I also believe that we change this depending on what paths we take in life and how we choose to treat the world and the people around us. I believe in a shapeable fate.
Anything else?:I believe that I love my girlfriend very much! <3 data-blogger-escaped-td="td">
You've been totally Bzoink*d!



... I hate break ups.

Time to sleep, I guess..

Well, it's getting late and I'm going to have to go to bed. I'll probably post that Death Note review I promised tomorrow (or today) if I have the time/energy to actually do it xD
Cause tomorrow, I might have other things that I need to DO, so we'll see if I can actually manage to write it.
Have a good night, people.                                 I love YOU!



Wednesday, January 9, 2013

This one was pretty dumb. Atleast some questions were.

C is for C-O-O-K-I-E
Created by emoloveforever and taken 92 times on Bzoink
Ok lets get started shall we.?
What annoys you most.?:Idiotic teenagers.
Worst song ever.?:Hot Problems.
Least favorite thing to do.?:Clean ;_;
Who would you love to punch in the face right now.? Why.?:Everyone that annoys me, because they annoy me.
What the meaning of life to you.?:To live.
Do frogs have ears.?:If frogs have ears, that means they can hear things. I can also hear things. Therefore I am a frog.
Haha...sorry about the frog question. I want to see what you would say(:
For or against bullying.?:Who would honestly say that they'd be FOR bullying, really? That's a stupid question.
When you die what would you want to be written in your tombstone.?:"Continue? 9..."
Why.?:Because I have an infinite number of lives that I got from cheats.
What is your phones ring tone.?:The Back to the Future theme.
What country would you hate to visit.?:I hate when it's hot, so probably some middle-eastern country.
Why.?:Because I hate when it's hot.
Name.?:Anton, if that's what you're asking.
Do you scream on rollercoasters.?:No, why would I? It's not like I find them scary.
Worst enemy.?:I don't know...
Care to share why.?:SAILOR URANUS! If you start talking like that I'm gonna rape your asshole...
Ready to get personal.?
Are you homo-phobic.?:Nope.
Ifyour best friend died what would you do.?:Be very sad, I guess...
What would be the first thing you would save in a fire.?:Depends on where I am, but probably everyone else that lives in my house.
Why.?:Isn't that obvious?
Am i annoying you.? Haha....moving on.
Are you homo-sexual.?:Yes, very. I love me some penis.
How about bi-sexual.?:Nope, not into guys and I never will be. I have my honey, and I will always love her so BLUH!
Enough with personal questions. Back to random.
Worst movie ever.?:Worst movie ever... I want to say any American Pie movie or maybe Avatar... Some people would probably say Birdemic or The Room, but to me they have a certain "bad movie" feel, like they're so bad that they're good.
Best guy name.?:Potato.
Worst car ever made.?:Car.
Best girl name.?:Potatina.
Worst guy name.?:Pear.
Which is harder? Telling someone you love them OR that you dont love them.?:The latter.
Worst color ever.?:How can you put the word ever after that, it's not like it's something that's been invented...
Whats your wildest dream.?:I don't really remember most of my dreams.
If you could rename your self what would your new name be.?:Potato.
Why.?:Because potatoes are awesome.
Do you like Cookie Monster.?:Not really.
Whats your happiest childhood memory.?:I don't really remember most of my childhood, it just feels like it isn't even mine when I look back.
Cat or Dog person.?:Both.
If you were the opposite sex for one day what would you do.?:I don't know, haven't really thought about it...
Worst animal alive.?:How are these even viable questions?
Do you like Mickey Mouse.?:He's an egotistical showoff with a nazi complex. Fuck that mouse. running out of things to ask.
Is there life after death.?:I don't think so, no.
Have you ever thrown up in a car.?:Nope.
What is the worst shoe brand.?:Seriously?
Do you have any regrets in life.?:I don't know...
Why does religion cause war.?:Because everyone is fucking stupid for believing in something so juvenile in the first place.
^^ tht was just random...agree.?
Would you take your life to save a friends.?:Yes, I would.
Whats your saddest memory.?:The death of my dog, I guess.
If you were president what would you do.?:I honestly don't know what I would do... Gloat over the fact that I was president?
Which is stronger: Love OR Anger.?:Love.
Is revenge right.? :If the person deserves it, yes.
If you were to die 2 days from now would you change who you are.?:Nope. I would just quit school and do the things I had to do before dying. Probably spend all of my time possible with my love.
Worst nightmare.?:Don't think I've ever had one.
Best decision you ever made.?:Getting together with Angel, because that's the best thing that's ever happened to me. <3
Worst phone ever made.?:Some of these questions are getting really stupid.
Almost done. Will you survive.?
Whats the worst thing that ever happend to you.?:Death of god again, I would guess.
If you knew your best friends was gonna die in 2days, would you tell them.?:Yeah, I would.
Why.? OR Why not.?:Because they deserve to know, so they can say goodbye and do the things they've always wanted to do.
Whats the best thing that ever happend to you.?:Again, getting together with my baby. <3
Is this random or what.?
One word that is the total opposite of you::One word? How is someone supposed to sum themselves up in one word?
Have you met some one and right away hated them.?:Hm... no, I don't think so.
I cant think of any more questions to ask..... :(
Have you ever wanted to just kill someone.?:Yes, several times.
One thing you just cant live without.?:My honey. <3
Why.?:Because I love her. <3
Have you ever made fun of anyone.?:Probably, yes.
If so, Why.?:Because they were idiots, maybe, I don't know.
Are you happy you did it.? OR do you regret it.?:It's not something I regret when I barely even remember it.
Hang with me here. Few more.
Whats the worst pick up line.?:-
Can worms hear.?:-
Well i ran out of ideas.
Bye.! :D:You're questions are bad and you should feel bad.
You made it to the end(: Congrats
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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Sixty-nine Random Question

Sixty-Nine Odd Questions
Created by sig and taken 72629 times on Bzoink
Are your parents married or divorced?: Neither, they're just separated.
Are you a vegetarian?: Nope, I love me some steak!
Do you believe in Heaven?: No, I don't.
Have you ever come close to dying?: Not that I can remember, no.
What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: Nothing.
Are you eating?: Not at the moment.
Do you eat the stems of broccoli: I eat the entire broccoli, so yes.
Do you wear makeup?: No, why would I? I'm already sexy as FUCK.
Would you ever have plastic surgery?: I have not, and I never will.
What do you wear to bed?: Nothing at all, I'm completely naked ;)
Have you ever done anything illegal?: Yeah.
Can you roll your tounge?: No ;_;
Do You have a boyfriend or girlfriend?: Yes, I do! <3
Do you believe in Abortions?: I believe that they should be allowed and used if necessary.
What is your Hair color?: Brown-ish.
Future child's name, boy and girl?: Wow, I have no idea...
Do you smoke?: Nope, never.
If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?: Japan or USA again. Maybe Canada.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: Not in my bed, no. Though I have one on my desk ;) <3
If you won the lottery, what would you do first?: Buy food. Or something nice for my honey. Or both.
Gold or silver?: Steak.
Hamburger or hot dog?: Steak.
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?: FUCKING STEAK!
City, beach or country?: Wherever is fine, aslong as I'm happy with my baby! :3 <3
What was the last thing you touched?: Joars face.
Where did you eat last?: In the cafeteria.
When's the last time you cried?: I don't know, probably when we we're watching Clannad ;_;
Do you read blogs?: Only my baby's blog. <3
Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?: NO! ;_;
Ever been involved with the police?: Technically, yes.
what's your favorite shampoo/conditioner and soap?:
Do you talk in your sleep?: I don't think so, no xD
Ocean or pool?: Pool :3
What's your favorite song at the moment: Don't really have one exact that I can point out... xD
have you ever had a cavity?: Yeah, 2.
Window seat or aisle seats?: Window seat, airplane attendants fucking love do hit me in the head with carts.
Ever met anyone famous?: Yeah, probably, but I can't remember who it was xD
Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life?: I'm 16, so NO. I want to live for way longer, so I can make it better!
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Twirl.
What is your fav. sport to play?: Nothing, I'm FYAT.
Basketball or football?: Basketball to play, football to watch xD
when was the last time you went to the bathroom?: This morning.
Do you drive a stick?: I don't drive at all xD
Cake or ice cream?: Ice-cream, I hate cake! ;_;
Are you self-conscious?: A bit, yeah.
Do you like any of your close friends?: Like as friends, yes.
Have you ever given money to a bum?: I've never really met a bum... Wow, that sounds incredibly stuck-up...
Have you been in love?: Yeah, I am right now. <3
Where do you wish you were?: Home with my love ;_; <3
On myspace why is the 1st person on ur top 8 there?: I don't even use myspace...
Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?: Nope.
Can you tango?: Yeah xD
Last gift you received?: Money.
What occasion did you recieve your gift?: Christmas.
Last thing you spent lots of money on?: My computer screen and graphics card.
Where do you live?: Sweden.
Last wedding attended.: No wedding. Ever.
Favorite restaurant?: Don't really have one, maybe Sizzlers.
What is your favorite kind of car?: No idea... I'm not really into cars that much (Yes honey, I know you hate me for that ;_;)
Most hated food(s): Lasagna.
Most loved food(s)?: Tacos or FUCKING STEAK!
Can you sing?: Yeah, I guess.
Person on your mind?: Angelica, ofcourse! ^w^ <3
What's your least fav. chores?: Cleaning my room ;_;
Favorite drink?: A swedish drink with gooseberries xD
Currently have a Crush?: Yes ;////;
How long was your longest drive in a car?: About 10 feet ;_;
Why do you do Myspace surveys?: Myspace? ;_;
Do you know who Nick Tyo is?: No.
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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Monday, January 7, 2013

Death Note

I'm in the middle of watching Death Note, and I'm about 23 episodes in. There's not that long left of it now, and I was thinking of making some sort of review once I've finished it. I'll try to keep the spoilers to a minimum for those who haven't seen it. Anyway, school starts tomorrow, so I best head of to be soon. Goodnight and see y'all whenever I decide to finish off Death Note

Here's a picture of Kira and L to finish things off.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Blog views

It's kind of funny how I've had this blog for about 2 days and I've already got 44 views from Serbia xD

I just got home

Yeah, so I just got home from spending some days over at my friends house. We had a little gaming session for a few days, starting friday and ending today. The good part about it ending is that I get to see my lovely girlfriend tomorrow, and we're going to have lots of fun, I promise you that! Not sure what I should write about now, though what I am sure of is that after I've set my computer back up, I'm going to FORCE my love to Skype with me >;3

Hamburgers and ham.

I guess it's time for me to sleep, I must admit that I'm a bit tired. I'll see the few people reading this tomorrow, or today, depending on how you see it. Goodnight, people of the internet.

Saturday, January 5, 2013


I'm appalled.
Why are people so bad at understanding certain information? It's not like they were talking about you, so why even bother?
Someone makes a blogpost of something cute and funny, and you just claim that it's a lie and start talking shit about them. That's fucking brilliant.

Before you try and take a post about SOMEONE ELSE and make into a post about YOU, learn to fucking read. I feel like I'm handling with a bunch of 4 year olds who got in a fit about one of them calling the other a "doo-doo head". Seriously, stop acting like a child and MAYBE try to understand what it's about, and that includes that it wasn't even a post about you.

So, apparently I've started a blog.

Yeah, as the title would suggest I've been "forced" into starting my own blog.
Nah, I'm just kidding honey, you know I did it on my own and that I love you ;)