Thursday, January 10, 2013

Angelicas survey!

Random Questions
Created by missjupiter and taken 3 times on Bzoink
Hair color:Brown-ish
Middle name:Ted
Relationship status:Taken ;)
Eye color?:Brown
If you have a girlfriend/boyfriend whats her/his name?:Angelica
Do you love em?:More than anything! <3 data-blogger-escaped-td="td">
What would you change on em?:Nothing, she's perfect!
What is the best about em?:Everything, from the way she smiles to the way she smells!
What don\'t you like about em?:I live everything about her!
How long have you been together?:For 4 months in 9 days!
Do you have fights?:Never!
How often do you fight?:Never!
Have you ever made em cry?:Not intentionally ;_;
When did you have your first kiss?:We had our first kiss the same day we got together, actually even some hours before we did. It was awesome ^w^ <3 data-blogger-escaped-td="td">
Do you regret something?:Nope.
Are you with em now?:No, but I wish I was ;_;
Have em every made you cry?:Happy tears :3
What is your biggest fear to happen between you? (exept breaking up):That we start slipping apart...
Fears and Wishes
What's your biggest wish right now?:That I could go through my years in school, be 19 and move together with my honey!
A selfish wish? (something that would make you happy):Living with my baby :3
Unselfish (Somethint that would make another happy):Charity, I guess.
What's your biggest fear to happen to someone in your family?:Death or illness.
To a close friend or someone you love?:Death or illness.
Have you ever had sex?:Yes c;
How often?:Oh, I don't know, it depends... Somewhere around 8 times a week.
How many have you been with?:1 girl, that's enough for me because she's awesome and perfect.
Prefer to kiss or not during sex?:I love to kiss my baby, always :3
When was the last time?:A few hours ago ;)
Who was your first?:My love :3
Do you regret anything with it?:Not at all!
How long can you last? (Be honest):Around 20 minutes, I think xD
What's the best about sex?:How close you can feel to the one you're with ^w^
Do you have to love the person to sleep with em?:I don't think you have to, but I think that love makes it better!
Best friend
Do you have a BEST friend?:Yeah, I guess so
What's her/his name?:Sebastian
How old?:16
For how long have you been best friends?:Friends since the 3rd grade, "best" since 6th
How long have you known eachother?:Since the 3rd grade
Do you agru with em?:Some minor friendly arguments about stuff we like and feel differently about
What would you do if your best friend got hurt?:I have his back, always. And I'd hurt the people who hurt him back, ese. vagos.jpg
Would you ever call em if you were sad or in trouble?:Yeah, and I know he'd come to help me fight back
do you love em?:;_;
Have you ever seen em cry?:Nope.
Have em ever seen you cry?:Probably, I was a little pussy when I was younger QQ
Have you ever been depressed?:Yeah.
For how long?:Not that long, 1-2 years maybe.
Still depressed?:Nope, I'm really happy! :3
What were you/are you depressed over?:Love 'n people 'n shit.
Why?:Because shit happens.
Have family problems?:Not really.
Home many times a broken heart?:Many times, don't feel like counting 'em right now...
What would you do?
Your best friend just called you told you she/he just got arrested:Go to the place they were being held and see if I could bail him out.
Your girlfriend/boyfriend just broke up with you:Die of sadness.
Someone you love very much commited suicide:Cry for a very long period of time, sleep all day and never leave my house.
Your love told you to marry em:Tell her that I love her very much, but that we're too young to get married now.
(female) You found out you were pregnant:-
(Male) your girlfriend is pregant:Be kind of sad because I know that we would be able to keep it because we're so young...
Someone kissed you (who is not your lover/bf/gf):Push the person away and scream out rape! No, but I'd push them away and tell them that I have a girlfriend that I love very much!
If you cheated?:Kill myself. Because I would be nothing but filth.
If you got cheated on?:Get really depressed and question if I was good enough, and why she cheated.
Your best friend randomly hugged you and told you how much you mean to em:I'd hug him back, he's my fucking BFAM.
You became famous:Be famous and have lots of #swag
Your Idol was interest to get to know you:Get to know that idol!
Your house burned down:Cry over that my computer is lost ;_;
Your ex showed up to your door with a rose and a smile:Tell her to GTFO of my face and give that rose to someone else, she has a boyfriend who happens to be a good friend of mine.
What is your religion?:I'm an atheist.
Are you serious about your religion?:Yes, I'm very serious about believing in nothing.
Do you look down at others for not thinking the same?:I'd like to think that I'm fairly open minded and respect other peoples opinion, but come on. Religion is just fucking stupid.
Are you against homosexuallity?:No, I'm not. I think that everyone deserves to be who they want to be.
Do you believe in love in first sight?:I'm not sure, yeah, maybe.
Do you believe in Karma?:It's pretty logical to believe in karma if you "believe" in sciene, because every reaction has an equal and opposite reaction.
Do you believe in fate?:I believe that every person has some sort of destiny in their life, something that they were meant to do. I also believe that we change this depending on what paths we take in life and how we choose to treat the world and the people around us. I believe in a shapeable fate.
Anything else?:I believe that I love my girlfriend very much! <3 data-blogger-escaped-td="td">
You've been totally Bzoink*d!


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